The Spanish Civil War (1936-39)
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Lectures and guest lectures Since 2016 I have been giving lectures and guest lectures. The first for adults, the second for primary school groups 7 and 8. They are about the story of my grandfather who, as a sailor, helped smuggle weapons to Spain in 1937. Of course I also pay attention to the Spanish Civil War to set the stage. But it can also be about just the Spanish Civil War. I will not only pay attention to that war itself, but also to the worldwide involvement and lack of it. After all, it certainly wasn't just a local Spanish event. The reason to start with lectures and guest lessons started with the invitation of the Stichting Spanje 36-39. For several years, this foundation in Amsterdam has organized an annual commemoration of the Dutch volunteers who went to Spain to fight against Franco. A commemoration in the New HAVO, right next to the Spain monument. In 2016, a weekend-long seminar was organized where all kinds of stories were told. I was also allowed to tell my grandfather's story there. This gave me the idea that there could possibly be more people who wanted to hear the story. That turned out to be the case and the spectators now include Spanish associations, residential care centers, study clubs, Rotary and Odd Fellows associations, etc. Also various primary schools and all this throughout the Netherlands. Because of the corona perils, so not for a while. Those now seem largely behind us and so we are slowly starting again.
© Cor Faber en Ellen Bijma Last update website march 2024
Would you also like to have a lecture for your organization such as an association or residential care center? Lecture 1 This lecture is about my grandfather's story, his Journey to the Spanish Civil War. In 2012, his diary was found in which he had kept a record of how he, as a sailor, smuggled weapons from Poland to Spain with the ship the Andra. An adventure during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) that got completely out of hand. The war itself is discussed briefly and is intended no more than “to set the stage”. Target audience: people who want to hear an exciting true story and still want to experience some history Duration: 1 hour Reimbursement: in consultation Lecture 2 This lecture is only about the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). Although the fighting took place in Spain, it was a global event at the time. Some countries pretended to be aloof, but got involved anyway. Target audience: people who are more than average interested in history and want to know more than is generally known about the Civil War. Duration: 1.5 hours Reimbursement: in consultation Lecture 3 Lecture 1 and 2 are fine, but then the total time will be 2.5 hours, which is a bit long for a lecture, and therefore a combination of both. The whole story according to lecture 1, but slightly less according to lecture 2. Target audience: as with lecture 1 and to a slightly lesser extent that of lecture 2. Duration: 1.5 hours Reimbursement: in consultation Depending on the location, there will be some travel costs. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or for more information. Each lecture is accompanied by graphics and historical photographs. The stated duration is actually minimal in practice. I like to pay attention to questions that can be asked.
The places I attended lectures